Sunday, May 16, 2010

Hello, white people!

In Mbarara, white people a very rare occurrence (obviously)... as we roam through the streets, people constantly stare us at. It still feels uncomfortable. Now I know what it’s like to be a totally visible minority. For the most part, people mind their own business here. Each trip, maybe one or two people will shout “hello!” or “how are you?!” enthusiastically. I had my first encounter with a boy begging for money who followed us relentlessly, grasping my arm and shouting in Lugandan or Ruyankole. Massy had to tell him to leave us alone. It felt horrible. I wanted to give him something, but it’s going to happen again and again - and I also don’t know if I’m really helping. Basically, it just sucks and is out of my control.

We bought a few more needed supplies and groceries today. I’m always amazed at how you can turn down an alley on one of the main streets to find a whole new maze of shops and people, crammed into the smallest, dilapidated structures.

Five days in, I’m starting to realize mistakes I made while packing…

Should have packed:
A lot more hand sanitizer
Easily washable sandals (bought some today)
Reusable grocery bags
Sticky hooks
Larger towel
Some kind of medication to knock me out
Nonperishable salty foods

Over packed:
Bug repellant
Money belt (not really necessary)

Keychain flashlight
Card games
The hand sanitizer I did bring
A pair of shorts (but I can’t wear them out; no one does)

We worked on the Access database; Lindsey taught me how to create forms and finished up the last of the questionnaire. Tomorrow we have our meeting with some of the faculty to present our study. I don’t really know what to expect, but I’m hoping it’s nothing too formal.


  1. Two things: 1) Don't give money. There are rings of slums. They have people who churn out babies and breed them to beg. If you want to give (which is definitely a good thing) give to charitable places like UNICEF and things like that. At least you know they are going to the right people who want to end their poverty.

    2.) I told you the Laptop was a lifesaver!!

  2. ...i probably should have brought my laptop :( damnnnn.

  3. So you did bring the laptop; yay. Have you noticed if any websites are blocked? I know certain sites are inaccessible from particular countries.
